=============== Release Process =============== This process describes the steps to execute the automated release workflow for ``vsgen-ptvs``. This workflow consists of: #. A new release being generated on GitHub. #. The release built and validated by `AppVeyor`_. #. The documentation updated on the `Read the Docs`_. #. The Python package updated on `PyPI`_. Prerequisites ============= #. Close all `tickets for the next version`_. #. Update the *minimum* version of all requirements in :file:`setup.py`. #. Update the *exact* version of all requirements in :file:`requirements.txt`. #. Run :command:`python setup.py test` from the project root. All tests for all supported versions must pass: .. code-block:: bat $ python setup.py test [...] ________ summary ________ OK #. Run :command:`python setup.py pep8` from the project root. All pep8 validations must pass: .. code-block:: bat $ python setup.py pep8 running pep8 #. Build the docs. While the final target is HTML there are additional steps to execute. Make sure there are no errors and undefined references. .. code-block:: bat $ cd docs/ $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ make.bat clean $ make.bat rst $ make.bat html $ make.bat view $ cd .. #. Update the change log :file:`CHANGES.txt` by reviewing the changes since last release on the `github compare`_ site or from the command line: .. code-block:: bat $ for /f "delims=" %a in ('git describe --tags --abbrev^=0') do @git log %a..HEAD --oneline --decorate #. Commit all changes: .. code-block:: bat $ git commit -m 'Updated change log for upcoming release.' Build ===== #. Build a source distribution and a `wheel`_ package and test them: .. code-block:: bat $ python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel $ ls dist/ vsgen-ptvs-a.b.c-py2.py3-none-any.whl vsgen-ptvs-a.b.c.tar.gz #. Install the source distribution: Ensure clean state if ran repeatedly: .. code-block:: bat $ rm -rf %TEMP%\vsgen-ptvs-sdist Create a virtual environment and install the distribution: .. code-block:: bat $ virtualenv %TEMP%\vsgen-ptvs-sdist $ %TEMP%\vsgen-ptvs-sdist\activate (vsgen-ptvs-sdist) $ pip install .\dist\vsgen-ptvs-a.b.c.zip (vsgen-ptvs-sdist) $ python >>> import vsgenptvs >>> vsgenptvs.__version__ 'a.b.c' #. Instal the wheel distribution: Ensure clean state if ran repeatedly: .. code-block:: bat $ rm -rf %TEMP%\vsgen-ptvs-wheel Create a virtual environment and install the distribution: .. code-block:: bat $ virtualenv %TEMP%\vsgen-ptvs-wheel $ %TEMP%\vsgen-ptvs-wheel\activate (vsgen-ptvs-wheel) $ pip install .\dist\vsgen-ptvs-a.b.c-py2.py3-none-any.whl (vsgen-ptvs-wheel) $ python >>> import vsgenptvs >>> vsgenptvs.__version__ 'a.b.c' Release ======= #. Sync the local branch with the remote master branch and verify that the `Appveyor`_ dashboard is passing. #. Navigate to ``vsgen-ptvs``'s `release page`_ and draft a new release: #. Give the release a title (`Feature Release`, `Maintenance Release`, etc.). #. Tag with the appropriate version as described in :file:`CHANGES.txt`. #. Publish the release: #. Verify that the `Appveyor`_ dashboard is green and has published the package to `PyPI`_. #. Verify that the `Read the Docs`_ is updated. #. Check if the package is displayed correctly: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/vsgen-ptvs Post release ============ Finally instal ``vsgen-ptvs`` one last time: Ensure clean state if ran repeatedly: .. code-block:: bat $ rm -rf %TEMP%\vsgen-ptvs-pip Create a virtual environment and install the distribution: .. code-block:: bat $ virtualenv %TEMP%\vsgen-ptvs-pip $ %TEMP%\vsgen-ptvs-pip\activate (vsgen-ptvs-pip) $ pip install -U vsgen-ptvs (vsgen-ptvs-pip) $ python >>> import vsgenptvs >>> vsgenptvs.__version__ 'a.b.c' .. _pypi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi .. _wheel: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/wheel .. _read the docs: http://vsgen-ptvs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ .. _appveyor: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/DBarsam/python-vsgen-ptvs .. _release page: https://github.com/dbarsam/python-vsgen-ptvs/releases .. _tickets for the next version: https://github.com/dbarsam/python-vsgen-ptvs/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue .. _github compare: https://github.com/dbarsam/python-vsgen-ptvs/compare